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Mid-Gulf Council for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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The child and adolescent psychiatry council provides delegates to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry as well as representatives for the Louisiana governors childrens cabinet and other state organizations supporting pediatric mental health. We are actively engaged in supporting programs throughout MS and LA in collaboration with community partners.
The MG Council works to bridge our community partners, acting as a support network for the shared goal of improving the mental health needs of Louisiana and Mississippi. Through the use of pooled resources, ideas, and engagement, our states can be strategically positioned to efficiently deliver mental health services.
Mississippi and Louisiana have long and rich histories, and the challenges to providing mental health services are unique to our region. The Mid-Gulf council serves to increase recruitment to the region through regional and national outreach, as well as retain physicians who train in our state. We do this through networking events, educational outreach opportunities, and partnerships with our state educational institutions.
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